Freitag 27 Juni

With about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournam ...
Fre - SonNoliaområdet
Lägg i kalender2025-06-272025-06-29Europe/StockholmPiteå Summer GamesWith about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournament!
Join us!NoliaområdetContactinfo@piteasummergames.seSamstag 28 Juni

With about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournam ...
Fre - SonNoliaområdet
Lägg i kalender2025-06-272025-06-29Europe/StockholmPiteå Summer GamesWith about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournament!
Join us!NoliaområdetContactinfo@piteasummergames.seSonntag 29 Juni

With about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournam ...
Fre - SonNoliaområdet
Lägg i kalender2025-06-272025-06-29Europe/StockholmPiteå Summer GamesWith about 800 teams from 15 nations, this is Sweden's second biggest youth football tournament. During this weekend, the whole town comes down with a bad case of football fever – enthusiastic parents, coaches and kids come to Piteå from all over the world. This year we celebrate 35 years of tournament!
Join us!NoliaområdetContactinfo@piteasummergames.seSamstag 19 Juli

Welcome to Nordic dog show at Sjulnäs sportsarena.
Son, SamIVAB Arena Sjulnäs
Lägg i kalender2025-07-192025-07-20Europe/StockholmNordic dogshowWelcome to Nordic dog show at Sjulnäs sportsarena.IVAB Arena SjulnäsContactutstallningar@snkk.seSonntag 20 Juli

Welcome to Nordic dog show at Sjulnäs sportsarena.
Son, SamIVAB Arena Sjulnäs
Lägg i kalender2025-07-192025-07-20Europe/StockholmNordic dogshowWelcome to Nordic dog show at Sjulnäs sportsarena.IVAB Arena SjulnäsContactutstallningar@snkk.sePowered By Simpleview | tellUs SearchResponsibility: Piteå Turistcenter
Sidan kontrollerad: 07.03.2024 14:20:50