Motor racing
Saturday 17 May

Rallycross at the track
Sat11:00 Piteå Motorstadio
Lägg i kalender2025-05-17 11:002025-05-17Europe/StockholmRacing Special - FMRallycross at the track Piteå MotorstadioContactkansliet@piteams.orgSaturday 14 June

Folkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!
Sat10:00 Piteå Motorstadion
Lägg i kalender2025-06-14 10:002025-06-14Europe/StockholmBR Öhman racet - folkraceFolkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!Piteå MotorstadionContactkansliet@piteams.orgSun10:00
Lägg i kalender2025-06-15 10:002025-06-15Europe/StockholmBR Öhman racet - folkraceFolkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!
Folkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!
Sat10:00 Piteå Motorstadion
Lägg i kalender2025-06-14 10:002025-06-14Europe/StockholmBR Öhman racet - folkraceFolkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!Piteå MotorstadionContactkansliet@piteams.orgSun10:00
Lägg i kalender2025-06-15 10:002025-06-15Europe/StockholmBR Öhman racet - folkraceFolkrace at Piteå Motorstadion, Urban Bergström, Thomas Öhman, Adam Öhman and Emil Öhman is competing!Contactkansliet@piteams.orgPowered By Simpleview | tellUs SearchResponsibility: Piteå Turistcenter
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