Linda Jansson, förskollärare. Under mina 10 år som förskollärare har intresset för utveckling inom förskola legat mig varmt om hjärtat. Jag har förmånen att läsa magisterutbildningen som Piteå kommun bedriver i samverkan med Umeå Universitet. Mitt forskningsområde handlar om omsorg i förskolan och vad som sker när undervisningen tar större plats.
Min roll som ledamot i Piteås utbildningsvetenskapliga råd ger förskolan en chans att bli sedd och hörd inom skolnära forskning.
Presentation av pågående studier vid nationell forskningskonferens i pedagogiskt arbete
Umeå universitet, 19-20 augusti 2019
Abstract nedan är hämtat från forskningskonferensens hemsida.
Preschool teachers´ view of the concept of teaching
Since 1998, preschool provision in Sweden has been supervised through the Ministry of Education. Since then, concepts from compulsory schooling have been formally incorporated in this provision. Teaching is a particularly striking example. The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers interpret and understand teaching, and what implications appear from the preschools´ revised curriculum in 2018 (Skolverket, 2011).
The empirical material consists of text documents written by 15 preschool teachers with a number of questions about teaching. The material will be analyzed using critical discourse analysis.
Theoretically, the study applies curriculum theoretical framework. Foucaults theory (Nilsson, 2008) of governmentality will be applied to study how a state intention is made in the local context, i.e. what will be the preschool teachers' assignments when formulations about teaching will be realized in the preschool's everyday practice.
One ambition of the study is to illustrate with the help of the texts how preschool teachers strive to adapt the teaching concept to an already preventative preschool activity. That the preschool should now be covered by the concept of teaching can be understood against a desire to develop the preschool at the crossing of different pedagogical approaches. On the other hand, the choice to include the concept of teaching in the preschool may point to an intention to motivate schooling and reshaping of preschool.
The study problematizes preschool teacher’s experiences of the teaching concept. By highlighting their reasoning, parts of the conditions that frame the preschool teachers' responsibility in everyday practice are made visible.
Nilsson, R. (2008). Foucault : en introduktion. Malmö: Malmö : Égalité.
Skolverket. (2011). Läroplan för förskolan Lpfö 98 (2., rev. uppl. ed.). Stockholm: Stockholm : Skolverket : Fritze distributör.